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Max Walker - guitar, synths, production
Tim Carey - bass
Remy Morritt - drums
Rex Gregory - saxophone, flute
Matt Williams - piano

Chronostasis is the second album from Los Angeles-based guitarist Max Walker. The seven original compositions are reflections on Walker’s move to Los Angeles from his home in Seattle. The album contemplates the role of time both in life and music and displays an exciting rhythmic audacity. Constantly shifting pulses, metric modulations, and poly-rhythms distort the lister's sense of time much like it becomes distorted when moving between chapters in life.

Walker’s primary influences in jazz and rock are on full display all across Chronostasis. In particular, listeners will note the impact of guitar pioneers such as Allan Holdsworth, Tim Miller, and Ben Monder. Walker’s compositional skill is also showcased throughout the album. Moments of spontaneity transition seamlessly into carefully crafted musical passages.

Chronostasis also features the talents of drummer Remy Morritt, bassist Tim Carey, saxophonist and flutist Rex Gregory, and pianist Matt Williams. The album is teeming with electrifying and virtuosic moments from both individual soloists and the ensemble as a whole.

Chronostasis serves as both an introduction to Walker’s life in Los Angeles and a goodbye to his life in Seattle. Most of all, this album is about the transient moments between two major chapters in one's life, where time almost seems to stand still. The final result is an entirely unique project that engages its audience from beginning to end.

Jesse Field - recording, mixing production
Nicholas Barron - recording
Matthew Wolk - mastering

Sara Herrschaft - original painting
Daniel Zetterstrom - photography (of the painting and the press photos)
Maxwell Crabill - multimedia contributions
Dan Rosenboom - Album text / layout design

Compositions by Max F Walker (ASCAP)
© MaxFCWalker (ASCAP)