New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year! It is our distinct pleasure to announce that Orenda Records is officially in business!

2014 looks to be an incredibly productive and inspiring year, as we set sail with a strong catalog of fabulous musicians and projects. So far the 2014 release roster includes (listened alphabetically):

— The Cathlene Pineda Quartet
— The Daniel Rosenboom Quintet
— DR. MiNT
— Falsetto Teeth
— The Gavin Templeton Trio
— Gurri Sonic
— The Jon Armstrong Jazz Orchestra
— The Jonathan Rowden Group
— The Michael Mull Octet
— Walsh Set Trio

We have several other potential projects waiting in the wings as well, but we'll make those announcements as they solidify.

Also, our store is now live and we have some really wonderful music to share with you. Our first physical products are still in production, but they'll be ready soon and you can pre-order them now. We also have several digital albums ready for purchase/download so you can start enjoying some really different and awesome music right away!

So again, Happy New Year, and thanks for checking out or website! We'll be bringing you lots of amazing music in the coming year, so stay tuned...